Oct 19, 2020
Police Prepare to Save Lives
Police are often the first on the scene when someone experiences sudden cardiac arrest, and police departments are increasingly equipping their vehicles with AEDs.
In many communities, police access to AEDs has enabled a 50% reduction in response time to cardiac arrest. Cardiac arrest survival rates drop by 10% with each minute that passes, so this improvement can be game changing.
A great example lies 1,000 miles to our North. The Rochester Minnesota Police Department was an early adopter of AEDs, having equipped all marked police vehicles with defibrillators starting in 2006. The Rochester Police have now brought more than 142 people back to life with AEDs. That is a large number of lives saved, in a short period of time, for a very reasonable investment.
AED123 proudly serves many Texas police departments, including the Manor Police Department (pictured here in October). We are eager to help more police forces prepare to save lives.